Serious Brain Injuries: Medical Evaluation

Especially after a serious accident, TBI victims may need financial assistance in treating the injury and in continuing with their life. Medical evaluation of the degree of an individual's impairment can have a huge impact on the level of compensation the individual will receive, from all sources. Medical evaluation will also have an impact on findings such as:

The injured person's ability to work
The right to receive different kinds of economic compensation
Eligibility for protection against discrimination
Whether independent living is possible
What type of physical therapy might improve his or her health

Significantly, such an evaluation should include the significant changes an individual will undergo as he or she progresses through acute hospitalization, then returns to the home and community. An individual will likely experience the best possible outcome with rehabilitation that offers an interdisciplinary approach and coordinated care.

If you have been injured and need help understanding your options, contact Davy Yockey Today!


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